
 Ian Carmichael, DSO, MC, is the author.

At the southwest corner of Lismore, The Lady's Rock serves as nature's eternal monument to the vicious brutality of a specific clan. The Lady's Rock is visible under typical tidal situations, however during high tide it is hidden under the sea. A chieftain from Duart in the 16th century had a secret wish to divorce his wife, who was said to be the 1527 daughter of the Earl of Argyll.

Maclean arrived several days later to deliver the devastating news of his daughter's death to the Earl.

He pretended to be inconsolable in his grief until the exact woman he believed he had lost strolled into his presence, revealing his dishonesty. Duart's wife lived for many years after escaping Lady's Rock, but he suffered the ultimate pay for his merciless conduct.

Clan Symbol The official description of our clan crest is as follows: "A demi-man dressed as Saint Moluag Proper, with a golden halo around his head and a green cloak around his shoulders." In his right hand, he bears the Staff of Saint Moluag Proper, and in his left, a blue cross crosslet fitchée. An escrol above him has the slogan 'CNOC'.


Lismore in Alba - An Gorm Mor

Ian Carmichael, DSO, MC is the author.

An Gorm Mor lived in Achnadun, facing Morven's formidable Garbh-Shlios hill, and was reputed to have the power of five men. A huge and terrible black bull wandered over Linne-Sheilich, on the wooded slopes of Morvern, defying all attempts to subdue it. According to some versions of the story, this gigantic black beast is Satan himself. Regardless, An Gorm Mor determined to put his skills to the test against this formidable foe. He headed out alone across the sea in search of the bull.

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